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ERIC wishes.

everyday is christmas
so I have presents everyday.
everyday is my birthday
so I can have wishes everyday.

chat here.

my friends.
my cell group

Designer Basecodes

December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 January 2009

love everyone!

Sunday, January 18, 2009!
HandWritten on; 11:51 PM

hello all, my blog link changed to this le: http://eric-walkoffaith.blogspot.com/ relink me thanks (:

Sunday, April 27, 2008!
HandWritten on; 8:53 PM

For the past few days been doing stuff like pasting address on envelopes and sending it and also filing at work. Those are the so called menial stuff. Hmmm.... a thought struck me as I was doing it. Though no one's looking at no one will actually formally ensure that all the work is done well becaue there's simply too much papers in the file or too many letters to be checked. However, God's looking God's seeing if you have done your work properly. Every paper that is supposed to be placed in the right place, God take notes and He knows. And of course if its wrongly placed its obvious to God. Perhaps its small things like this that God determines if we are able to handle bigger things that we are praying for. Which is why faithfulness in small things is something that I really need to improve on. So many times I have failed to be faithful in things that I promised. For example, in not being late for meetings, weekly houseworks and gym sessions that I wanted to do at the start of the year. Guess I gotta be faithful and accomplish these things first before I'll be entrusted with bigger things. Alright hope that tmr's work will be more challenging. Which is the reflection of passing the test of faithfulness from the past few days.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008!
HandWritten on; 11:18 PM

Well, this post is a review of my past term and the lessons learned. Hmm.... to begin with, I think this term has been the most xiong 15 weeks of my life. Seriously lah. I still remember that at week 1 I already felt as if I was in week 10 already. This term the difference is that I'm more involved in Uni-Y. Was really inspired to help Yihan to achieve his vision of changing the mugging culture in SMU. First few weeks of school was really quite fun helping daniel to set up his marketing department and strengthen his department. During this period was also even able to get zhi wei and daniel liew, 2 of my best friends in SMU to join Uni-Y under social entrepreneurship also.

Then of course this term also involves studies. Those boring stuff.... But this term, thank God that all my project groupmates are awesome! They don't shun away from work, have great attitude towards work. I must say they have better attiitude towards work than me. So really thank them for all the hardwork and effort put in the past 15 weeks and thanks for the chance for me to learn from you guys while doing project with you. Well, I know that its not easy to work with me. Thanks for the patience and tolerance with me. You are simply awesome.

Then also, so many things that I set out to do in the beginning of this sem are left undone at the end of the day. Like weekly guitar sessions, completing a book in 1 month and weekly doing of housework. Guess being overwhelmed but all the pressures of life. Just like Mr donkey who is stuck in the well. I really need to shake the soil that is on my body (which represents the pressures all around) and press on so that I can gt out of the pit. Jia you eric.

Some positives that can be drawn from the past term is that I felt that I have drawn closer to God. Now I have longer prayer times and also I'm more sensitive in the spirit so more stronger spiritually. Also this term has been helping out in being a buddy with the bridging students. Currently has 8 buddies now. Not sure if I can have the capacity to follow up on all of them. Will do my best nevertheless. Hope that I will continue to make a meaningful impact to their lives before they leave Singapore.

Well its week 16. Closer and closer to the release of results. In fact just got back my IE result le. Realistically speaking compared to last term, I might not get better results than last term. But God is good and miracles do happen. I'm sure the results that I get would be a grade that I deserve. Its been a great term. Xiong but I learned alot.

Think I've reached the point of diminishing marginal returns. So tired. Just came back from Uni-Y retreat. time is 12.20. Past bedtime. GoodnightZzz.....

Monday, April 14, 2008!
HandWritten on; 9:04 PM

First day of exams today. Signifies the starting of the end of the 4th term in SMU. Really felt so loved when people sms and call me to encourage me for my exams today and last night. Really needed that. Thanks especially to W369. I will do my best and won't let you down.

The whole weekend has been quite an experience for me. If not for the encouragements last night I might have just gave up studying last night. Felt as though something is always keeping me from studying. Went for Jason's wedding on sat then service. When I came back early so that I could study, realised that I forgot to bring back my keys. Causing me to waste time waiting outside my house for my parents to be back. Then in between my studies I was distracted to run errands after errands for my parents. But still managed to complete 60% of econs till sat night. Then on sun on the way to cell group specially brought my laptop so that I could study on the way. Was happy to find a seat on the MRT. Then the MRT broke down at boana vista. Had to get down the train, thus giving up my seat and wasted precious studying time. So cant study for the rest of the journey to bernard's house for cell group. Then after cell group on the way back only manage to get a seat on the bus from bukit batok to toa payoh. Fell asleep within 5 mins of taking out my laptop. In the end only managed to read 1 plus of an econs report for the whole journey to and fro from Toa Payoh to Boon Lay. Then after analysing the whole situation, was ever more willing to prove to the something that has been stopping me from studying that I am stronger than it. So I cherished all my remaining time to study. Was really glad that I was able to finish studying for Econs exams today. Also glad that today's exams largely went according to my anticipation. 5/8 questions are based on the econs report. Wahahaha!!! Alright gotta study for equity and EBC le. 2 more to go. Jia you!

Thursday, April 10, 2008!
HandWritten on; 1:34 PM

New Resolve
My new resolve is to sleep by 11.30 every night and wake up at around 7.30. Well, I've been wondering for awhile ever since army, I always have the tendency to fall asleep during lectures. The best thing is during my lectures in JC 90% of the time I won't know what the lecturer is talking about but yet I can still stay awake. Now in SMU lectures are so much more interesting and understandable compared to JC but I would fall asleep 70% of the lectures. This cant be right? Well the difference between my JC days and now is thatI sleep at 10.30 every night last time and wake up like around 6 the next day. This would keep me fresh for the whole day. In army, usually I only have 7 hours of sleep and have to wake up at 5.30 but yet I am still able to take the boring mid-day lectures. Have you got it eric? Its time to sleep early. Which means no more late night blogging, msning, play games and even study. Start my day early get things done and sleep. Argh... it gonna take discipline....

Oh man Arsenal crashed out of the Champions League. After surrendering the lead to Man U few weeks ago they are now unceremoniously dumped out of the champions league. How worse can things turn out for Wenger's man. Well, not an Arsenal fan but kind of think that they are quite poor thing. After playing some breath-taking football for two third of the season they are now left with nothing to play for. My condolences to all Arsenal fans...

4 more days to the formal start of my exams. Here's my revision progress:
International Econs: Roughly 40%
Equity: 0%
EBC: 0%
Still need to go for outreach today and help out for jason's wedding tmr. Seems foolish? "But God choose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise." Will haveto lean upon God all the more for when I am weak, he is strong. Catch ya again...... Looking forward to tell you more good news.

Sunday, April 6, 2008!
HandWritten on; 11:57 PM

Argh!!! Thats my reaction after completing 2 chapters of International Econs. Thats satisfying also. Was so tired jus now while forcing myself to study just now that I fell asleep like countless times. Was so desperate to keep myself awake that I even resort to play guitar while studying. Guess I'm not a good multi-tasker so in the end concentrated on playing guitar instead. Haiz... But after 4 hours(with many breaks in between) finally managed to complete my 2 chapters of IE. What a feat considering I'm like only 50% awake nost of the time.

Still got FT interview tomorrow. Not prepared yet... Argh... y are there so many things that I must do that waste my time. Argh.... gotta write another FT essay that will waste even more time. Well, Cest la Vie.

It's been a great week. Last week of formal lessons for the term. Then its one week of time supposed to be dedicated to studying then 4 days of exams then 6 days of fun before 16 weeks that might be the best time of my life or might be a torture for me. This is the internship period. Well, it's all gonna turn out to be the best.

Hmmm.... SOT starts tmr. Hope that I'll be brave enough to get there next year.

Hmmm... strangely, my blog is revived and seems like I'm blogging everyday.... Hahaz.... Try to blog if I have time bah. Foresee that more entries will be up during this study week.

Mr Leow has also just brought me the good news that kimi is leading the F1 championship. Hope that this will be his season. After being in my opinion, the best driver for around the past 3 seasons but due to unfavourable circumstances only able to win it last season. Sounds like arsenal right? Haiz.... Premier League is gone for them hope they win the Champions League at least. It's quite sad for its a season that looks so promising for them but they might end up not getting anything.

Nothing much to write about just some random thoughts to get off my chest before I sleep. Oh ya, JCO donuts are addictive. Argh.... if only its cheaper.....

Saturday, April 5, 2008!
HandWritten on; 11:32 PM

Just wanna share a story that I thought was really interesting.

Long time ago, a farmer's donkey fell into a deep well. The donkey was in pain and cried out to the farmer for help. After considering for a few moments, the farmer decided to gathered all his relatives and put their shovel to work and started filling up the well with soil. Initially, the donkey cried out even louder as he thought the farmer is burrying him alive. He was furious with his master as he had served him well and did not complain even if he was ill treated or was asked to go the extra mile with his master. Then after a few moments, he simply shook the soil off his body and step onto the soil as it began to gather on his feet. Soon, the well is filled up and the donkey was able to be rescued safely.

Well, sometimes in life we might be wondering I've been so good why is there so many problems being thrown at me? Well, Mr donkey understands how you feel. These problems are meant to make you stronger and that we may learn lessons from it and grow from it. So when being confronted with project deadlines, tests to study, never ending of To-Do list on top of the ever pressing need to save the world, all these things will make you stronger. Soon, you'll be transformed into someone that you would never recognise at the start. Well, take for a moment if Mr donkey continued crying and blaming his master and did not shake off the soil and step onto the increasing soil. Wouldn't he be buried in the well? Well, every stumbling block along the way could be stepping stone to success. Just gotta take it in our stride and continue in our stride to success. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we do not when we give up, how close we are to success. So press on don't give up. 2 more weeks to end of term. Jia you! Success begins in your mind.

Winston Churchill's most famous speech is only 3 words: "Never give up."

HandWritten on; 12:18 AM

A story I stole from zhi wei's blog:

This is an inspirational story that I came across one day:
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she’s blind. She hated everyone, except her loving fiancée. He is always there for her. Blind girl said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her fiancée. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to the blind girl and then she can see everything, including her fiancée. Her fiancée asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked when she saw that her fiancée is blind too, and refused to marry him.
Her fiancée walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to girl saying. “Just take care of my eyes dear.”
Moral: This is how human brain changes when the status changed. Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations. Never take someone for granted, Hold every person close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones. Remember this always in life!

I think its a touching story. Hope we'll be more sensitive to ur surrounding. And that we'll hurt not people people unintentionally. Everyone feelings. Treat people with love instead of contempt. Love on!

PS: Sorry been lazy.... So has been stealing stuff from people instead of blogging. Hope to blog more soon. Yup.

Friday, April 4, 2008!
HandWritten on; 1:33 PM

Hey, this post is about something that I really learned alot from. Hope this helps you too. Especially when you have alot of things to do, you might tend to procrastinate and eventually leave things undone. Hope that this helps....

How to beat procrastination in A-I

Activate a planner imediately. Create a To-Do list. Nothing beats striking off your To-Do list.
Breakdown large tasks. When large task gets broken down it becomes more manageable.
Create deadlines for yourself. Don't say I'll start doing it tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes!
Deal with the mess. Tidy up your workstation.Mess is not productive
Encourage yourself. Give yourself a pat on your back when you start to accomplish something. You deserve to treat yourself well.
Face your fears. Do the hardest taks first.
Goals Review. Review your goals
Hang On. Don't give up.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008!
HandWritten on; 3:48 PM

Penguin: Hey Monkey, long time no see. How have you been?
Monkey: Yeah long time no see. Well guess people thought that we are dead. Since there's no news from us for so long. But now we are back! Wahahahaha!!!!
Penguin: Yeah heard rumours that some people don't like us. But who cares about them. I think we are funny loh.
Monkey: Yeah I agree. Anyway, do you know that tonight at 10.45 sharp, if you look at the sky, you will see 10 stars all forming one line. This would happen only once every 100 years. This constellation of stars is called the Libryan United Stand.
Penguin: Wow really? Interesting. I must go and see it. Wow didn't know that you know so much about stars. Must be because you have been seeing stars during your lectures right?
Monkey: Yeah don't know why everytime when my prof talks, I see stars and also question marks. Yeah anyway, do catch the stars ok. It will only last for 10 mins.
Penguin: Yeah sure thanks. Will sure catch it. Will you catch it too?
Penguin: ...